Akasaka International Law, Patent & Accounting Office.



This page serves as a way to consolidate access to various documents, articles, and other materials the client may find relevant. Document Language may very from English, French, or Japanese.

Assorted Materials Relating to Africa

Africa Business Community in Japan : Shinji SUMIDA contributes articles to the AB-NET website regarding Kenya and Ivory Coast. (日本語)

Africa 日本・コートジボワール友好協会役員候補者名簿 : Nominated candidate list for the Ivory Coast Friendship Association Chairperson and Auditor candidates. (日本語)

ビジネス法務 2016 March Vol.16 No.3 中央経済社 : 

Africa AB-NET ケニアシリーズ1~8 : Series on Kenya, in regards to foreign investment opportunities. (日本語)

Africa AB-NET コートジボワールシリーズ1~10 : Series on the Ivory Coast. (日本語)

Tokyo International Conference on Africa Development (TICAD)

The Tokyo International Conference on African Development is a conference held regularly with the objective “to promote high-level policy dialogue between African leaders and development partners”, with Japan as the co-host. 

Africa Ticad 6 : Exhibition by Shinji SUMIDA. (ENG/FR)

Organisation Pour L’harmonisation en Afrique du Droit Des Affaires (OHADA)

OHADA is a system of corporate law and implementing institutions adopted by seventeen West and Central African nations in 1993 in Port Louis, Mauritius.

“Rayonnement et diffusion du Droit de l’OHADA au pays du soleil levant” : Publication by Shinji SUMIDA. (FR)

Africa OHADA 国際商事法務 Vol.41, No10 JP : Publication by Shinji SUMIDA. (日本語)

Africa OHADA 国際商事法務vol.42, No.9 2014:OHADA : Publication by Shinji SUMIDA. (日本語)

Africa OHADA 国際商事法務Vol.42, No.12 アフリカ商事法調和機構(OHADA)における統一商事会社法の概要について : Publication by Shinji SUMIDA. (日本語)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of France Ghana.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Ghana (CCIFG) is a private association which brings together companies and professionals from various sectors of the Ghanaian economy who want to develop their business in Ghana, in France or abroad. 

 “Sur les aspects juridiques de la restructuration” : Publication by Shinji Sumida. (FR)

“Les partenariats public-privés au Japon : le cas des collectivités locales” : Publication by Shinji Sumida. (FR)

“Procédure de licenciement effectuée auprès d’une succursale japonaise d’une entreprise étrangère” : Publication by Shinji Sumida. (FR)

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a type of international private business self-regulation. Mr. Shinji SUMIDA has had the privilege of contributing several chapters to a book regarding CSR and Environmental Management.

CSR 環境管理2013年6月号 CSR野積み事件 : Publication by Shinji SUMIDA regarding the “Field Piling Case”.

CSR 環境管理2014年12月号 Vol.50 No.12 : 

Intellectual Property

“Lettre du Japon : La Protection au Japon des Marques Notoires Étrangères” : Article Authored by Shinji SUMIDA in a publication released with Thomson Reuters and the Regional French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (FR)

“The Global Fight Against Trademark Trolls” : Article authored by Shinji SUMIDA in the AIPPI Journal, the world`s leading International Organization dedicated to the development and improvement of laws for the protection of intellectual property. (ENG)

Venture Capitol in Japan

Venture in Japan : Personal Blog of Shinji SUMIDA. (ENG)

アフリカ情報交換会 : Personal blog of Shinji SUMIDA regarding African Venture. (日本語)

Letter to Foreign Ventures : In the style of a letter, an essay written by Shinji SUMIDA addressing topics such as patents, trademarks, visa processes, unfair competition, copyright, and more. (ENG)