Application for Visa for foreign nationals eligible for Phased Measures toward Resuming Cross-Border Travel
Nov 09, 2020

Here is some information on how to do an application for visa for foreign nationals.
Foreign nationals/people who are willing to enter Japan through “Residence Track” or “Business Track” of trial measures need a visa newly issued by Embassies or Consulates or Consular Office of Japan (for Taiwan, Taipei Kaohsiung offices of Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association) (hereinafter referred to as “Japan’s overseas establishments”) in the country/region.
(Note) Please see this page for more details of these trial measures.
(Note) Please see this page for foreign nationals/people who departed from Japan with re-entry permit intend to re-enter Japan. Those who have the status of residence who have left or will leave Japan with a valid re-entry permit do not need to obtain Certificate of COVID-19 test nor the “Letter of Confirmation of Submitting Required Documentation for Re-entry into Japan” when re-entering Japan from countries/regions not designated as an area subject to denial of permission to enter Japan.
To make an application for visa for foreign nationals, please submit the required documents to Japan’s overseas establishments in your country / region (please see the following articles 1 and 2 for further information). All the visas issued through the trial measures would be single-entry visas, and the visa fee payment may be required depending on the nationality / region.
After the application has been successfully accepted, the visa would be issued at the consular affairs section of the Japan’s overseas establishment. The visa should be received by the applicant or his / her representative and is needed upon applying for landing permission.
- Upon implementation of this trial measure, the validity of already issued visa which is currently suspended will not be reinstated. If a new visa is issued under this measure, the already issued visa will expire.
- Those who wish to newly enter Japan using these measures or based on the decision on September 25, 2020, need to apply for a visa even if the Visa Exemption Arrangements are in effect between their country of nationality and Japan (Except the case that Diplomatic and Official visas are exempted by the visa exemption measures for those visiting for diplomatic and official purpose).
Certificate of COVID-19 test (Countries and regions designated as an area subject to denial of permission for entry)
Travelers arriving at Japan under these measures are required to present the visa and submit a negative COVID-19 test result (original or copy) conducted within 72 hours of the departure time to an immigration officer. Please see this page for further information about the format of the negative COVID-19 test result.
When travelers are required to show a negative COVID-19 test result by airline staff at the port of departure, please follow the instruction.
1. Countries / Regions
- Thailand (Residence Track (from 29 July))
- Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Taiwan (Residence Track (from 8 September))
- Singapore (Business Track (from 18 September), Residence Track (from 30 September))
- Republic of Korea (Business Track and Residence Track (from October 8))
- Viet Nam (Business Track (from 1 November), Residence Track (from 29 July))
On September 25, 2020, the GOJ announced that, in principle, the holders of statuses of residence of “Student”, “Dependent” and others, in addition to cross-border business travelers of all countries and regions will be incrementally permitted to enter Japan from October 1, 2020, under the condition that the person is hosted by a company / entity that can assure observation of quarantine measures. However, the number of people to be permitted to enter Japan as provided in this paragraph will be restricted. As for the cross-border travelers to be permitted to newly enter Japan based on the decision on September 25, 2020, all foreign nationals residing in the country / region of departure are entitled to apply for the entry visa, and they need to submit the same documents as the applicants of “Residence Track”.
2. Required documents for the visa application
New entry into Japan under the framework of “Residence Track” from countries/regions with which “Residence Track” is effective, or, new entry into Japan based on the decision on September 25, 2020, from all countries/regions
(Note) Please refer to the links below to check on some additional documents and procedures required.
Applicants with the purpose of entry listed on (a) or (b) are entitled to join the Track:
(a) Short-term stay for business
- (i) Visa application form (with photo attached)
- (ii) Passport
- (iii) Certificate of Employment of the applicant
- (iv)Invitation letter (PDF)
- (v)Letter of guarantee (PDF)
(b) Mid to Long term stay
- Based on the decision on September 25, 2020, all types of the status of residence, provided the applicant has the Certificate of Eligibility, are applicable for the new entry to Japan (Those who are entering Japan for “Diplomatic” or “Official” purpose do not need to follow the procedures for “Residence Track”) [Note 2]
- (i) Visa application form (with photo attached)
- (ii) Passport
- (iii) Certificate of Eligibility [Note 3]
- (iv)Written pledge (PDF)(2 copies) (Residence Track) [Note 1]
New entry into Japan under the framework of “Business Track” (only Singapore, Republic of Korea and Viet Nam)
Residents in Singapore, Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-Term Pass holders in Singapore, who intend to visit Japan for short-term business or official purposes are subject to apply for the Track. The maximum duration of stay will be 30 days.
Republic of Korea
Residents in Republic of Korea, Korean citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-term Pass holders in Republic of Korea, who intend to visit Japan for short-term business purposes, or, mid to long stay purposes (“Business Manager”, “Intra-company Transferee”, “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services”, ”Nursing Care”, “Technical Intern Training”, “Specified Skilled Worker”, “Highly Skilled Professional”, “Designated Activities (for Start-up)”) or for diplomatic/official purposes, are subject to apply for the Track.
Viet Nam
Residents in Viet Nam, Viet Nam citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-term Pass holders in Viet Nam, who intend to visit Japan for short-term business purposes, or, mid to long stay purposes (“ Business Manager ”, “ Intra-company Transferee”, “ Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services”, “ Nursing Care”, “ Technical Intern Training”, “ Specified Skilled Worker”, “ Highly Skilled Professional”, “ Designated Activities (for “ Start-up”, “ EPA nurse/ care worker”, “ EPA nurse candidates/ care worker candidates” ) ”) or for diplomatic/official purposes, are subject to apply for the Track.
(a) Short-term stay for business
- (i) Visa application form (with photo attached)
- (ii) Passport
- (iii) Certificate of Employment of the applicant
- (iv)Invitation letter (PDF)
- (v)Letter of guarantee (PDF)
- (vi)Written pledge (PDF)(2 copies) (Business Track) [Note 1]
- (ⅶ) “Schedule of Activities in Japan (PDF)” (updated on September 17) 2 copies
- (viii) Front and back photocopies of identity card issued by Government of the country/region where the applicant stays (only for the holders of nationality of a third country/region).
(b) Mid to Long term stay
- (i) Visa application form (with photo attached)
- (ii) Passport
- (iii) Certificate of Eligibility
- (iv)Written pledge (PDF)(2 copies) (Business Track) [Note 1]
- (v)Schedule of activities in Japan (PDF)(2 copies) [Note 1]
- (vi) Front and back photocopies of identity card issued by Government of the country/region where the applicant stays (only for the holders of nationality of a third country/region).\
- [Note 1] Please submit two copies of the pledge and the schedule of activities in Japan (“Business Track” only) at the time of submitting application (such as the original scanned and printed electronic data in PDF format). One copy will be returned, so please submit it to the quarantine when you enter Japan. Please keep the original for 6 weeks after the host company / organization enters Japan, and submit it when requested by the relevant ministries and agencies.
- [Note 2] “Professor”, “Artist”, “Religious Activities”, “Journalist”, “Highly-Skilled Professional”, “Business Manager”, “Legal/ Accounting Services”, “Medical Services”, “Researcher”, “Instructor”, “Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/ International Services”, “Intra-company Transferee”, “Nursing Care”, “Entertainer”, “Skilled Labor”, “Specified Skilled Worker”, “Technical Intern Training”, “Cultural Activities”, “Student”, “Trainee”, “Dependent”, “Designated Activities”, “Long Term Resident” are applicable. Those who are considered as “Spouse or Child of Japanese National” or “Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident” don’t need to present the written pledge for application for visa, provided that they present their Certificate of Eligibility or full copy of the family register, etc.
- [Note 3] Not required for applicants with some categories of “Designated Activities” such as EPA nurse candidates, etc. If you apply presenting the Certificate of Eligibility that has expired and has been issued on or after October 1, 2019, you must present a document that states that the Japanese host organization will “continue to follow the activities at the time of application for the Certificate of Eligibility”.
Please feel free to contact us concerning application for visa for foreign nationals.
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