Establish a company in Japan (K.K.)
Nov 18, 2019

AILAW has been assisting individuals and entities in entering the Japanese market and would like to share some general information in how to establish a company in Japan.
A kabushiki kaisha (company limited by shares) is a common choice for clients.
Establish a company in Japan (Basic Steps for a K.K.)
Establish a company in Japan (Flowchart)
Although Japan does not require director of company to be a residence of Japan, a Japanese collaborator who has residence in Japan is needed to assist with practical tasks. Opening a bank account and concluding lease agreements can be very difficult without some local assistance. If your company has alliance with some persons in Japan already, their address can be used as the new entity’s registered address.
Please refer to the Client Enquiry Sheet and fill it out if you are interested in our service.
Depending on your business model, licensing requirements may also be necessary. Please note that at least 5 million yen capital is required for sponsoring a work VISA application in the future.
Visa Matter
Our firm treats establishment of company and immigration as separate matters. Different governmental departments are in charge and the two processes should be treated independent from each other. Success in establishing a company does not necessary guarantee success in the immigration application. Our firm’s approach is to focus on the company incorporation process before handling the visa matter.
We usually collaborate with a specialist visa agent concerning visa matters.
Our firm invoices on a time charge basis of 35,000 yen per hour and requires an initial 5 hours of deposit for first time clients. In addition to the Client Enquiry Sheet, we also ask for a copy of the founder’s ID and, if one exists, company registration details of the founder’s main company outside of Japan. Once we receive the information, it will be easier for us to issue an estimate for this matter.
For your reference, kindly see the below link as our standard fee estimate.
For those who are fluent in Japanese and do not require specialist advice, budget services such as freee is available.
You are welcome to contact us via the Contact Form to discuss and for more information.