Akasaka International Law, Patent & Accounting Office.

Helping you focus on your core business

Jan 16, 2020

Are legal matters keeping you from focusing on your core business? Many times seeking a lawyer can feel daunting and unnecessary. We understand that the thought of having to become entangled in legal affairs leaves you wanting to resolve the issue yourself even though you have better things to attend to. Your strong sense of responsibility and perhaps anxiety caused by an immediate problem might cause you to believe you must handle things on your own.                                           

Think again.

Like running other parts of the business, delegation is important so that you can use your special talent on things that really matter. Why waste time and energy on problems that bring you no joy?

Not to mention the potentials of aggravating the issue and creating more headaches because of misinformation or the lack of information. After all, Google, even to this day, cannot replace individually tailored professional help.

“Every battle is won before it’s ever fought.” – Sun Tzu

An effective framework for your legal affairs allows you to focus on your core business. Having some clear, simple agreements can benefit your business more than you might think. Customers will stop hassling you with unreasonable requests and pay on time. Employees will be more focused on their work when expectations and rewards are clear. Business partners will collaborate in a mutually beneficial manner. All these lead to the growth of your business.

In the event of a problem, the evidence you have already compiled in your daily management saves you legal fees and can win your battle before it’s ever fought.

The realities of resolving disputes

Did you know that despite the courts being available to you, many cases are settled out of court? This means that arguments are mostly dealt with between the parties and their attorney(s). Therefore, having relevant evidence is the most important step. This includes call logs, messages, diary recordings and anything else that involves your opponent. The attorneys will advise accordingly based on what the parties have on hand.

Helping you get back to your core business

We (your attorney) use carefully selected wording to ease your opponent into coming to an agreement. Our firm does not waste time on flowery arguments on who is right or wrong but rather, focuses on the parties’ needs and intentions. This will increase the chances of matters being resolved as quickly as possible, saving you time and emotional distress. When a problem arises, our priority is to resolve it quickly and painlessly while you run your business.

Our job is to help you to do your job free from distractions.

We focus on delivering you the best possible outcome in the given situation. We urge you to consider a consultation with us to set up frameworks designed to optimize your business.


Currently, AILAW offers both consulting and fixed-fee services. One of the fixed-fee services is PocketKontract which is designed to provide you with the contract draft you need in any business situation. Practical and affordable, the drafts are drafted in accordance with Japanese law in plain English. They can also be reused in the future and further tailored upon request. Credit card payment available.

Hope you have the time to consider the service: https://www.ailaw-tech.com/

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